PRESTIGE Les Herbiers Shipyard

A Journey of Craftsmanship and Innovation

PRESTIGE Yachts Shipyard, situated in Les Herbiers, France. Here, precision meets innovation on a grand scale, as skilled artisans meticulously craft vessels that redefine luxury on the high seas. Let’s delve into the facts and figures that underscore the magnitude of this renowned shipyard.

Prestige x60 - TMG Yachts
Prestige x60 - TMG Yachts


Spanning over 35 hectares, the PRESTIGE Shipyard stands as one of the largest in Europe, if not the world. With a workforce exceeding 1,000 personnel, this sprawling facility boasts a multigenerational team of artisans, each contributing decades of expertise to the craft. This legacy of craftsmanship is deeply ingrained in the fabric of the shipyard, ensuring unparalleled quality and attention to detail in every vessel produced.


Driven by a commitment to environmental stewardship, PRESTIGE is at the forefront of sustainable yacht manufacturing. Through innovative practices such as vacuum lamination and the use of bio-resins, the shipyard reduces waste and minimizes its ecological footprint, ensuring the preservation of our oceans for future generations. As with all Beneteau Group shipyards the facility holds the following ISO acreditations:

  • ISO 9001 for quality processes
  • ISO 14001 for environmental processes
  • ISO 50001 for energy management processes.
Prestige x60 - TMG Yachts
Prestige x60 - TMG Yachts


Behind every vessel that graces the waters under the PRESTIGE banner lies a rich tapestry of tradition and heritage. The shipyard’s history is intertwined with the stories of its skilled artisans, many of whom hail from families with deep-rooted ties to the maritime industry. For over six decades, these dedicated craftsmen have honed their skills, passing down their expertise from one generation to the next. It’s a testament to their unwavering commitment and passion for the craft that has shaped PRESTIGE into the industry leader it is today.


While technology plays a pivotal role in modern yacht manufacturing, at the core of every PRESTIGE vessel lies a dedication to handcrafted excellence. Advanced tools and processes, such as 3D computer-aided design and 5 Axis cutting, enhance efficiency and precision without compromising on the artistry of craftsmanship. Skilled artisans infuse each vessel with a human touch, meticulously shaping every detail to perfection. It’s this harmonious blend of cutting-edge technology and time-honored craftsmanship that defines the essence of a PRESTIGE yacht, setting it apart as a true masterpiece on the water.

Prestige x60 - TMG Yachts
Prestige x60 - TMG Yachts


At the heart of PRESTIGE’s manufacturing process lies a meticulously orchestrated four-step journey:

Lamination Process: The journey begins with the lamination process, where raw materials are expertly moulded to form the foundation of each vessel.

Detailing and Finishing: Skilled craftsmen meticulously detail and finish each component, ensuring flawless execution and adherence to rigorous quality standards.

Assembly Line: The assembly lines buzz with activity as craftsmen piece together the intricate elements of each vessel, from woodwork to polyester pads, with meticulous precision.

Final Testing and Inspection: Before setting sail, each vessel undergoes thorough testing and inspection to ensure uncompromising quality and seaworthiness, culminating in a final inspection and preparation for delivery.

Prestige x60 - TMG Yachts
Prestige x60 - TMG Yachts


For Australian clients, PRESTIGE offers a seamless European delivery experience, allowing them to embark on their adventures from the picturesque shores Canet en Roussillon. Whether cruising along the French Riviera or exploring the idyllic islands of Greece, the Med becomes their playground aboard a PRESTIGE Yacht.


For enthusiasts eager to experience the PRESTIGE Shipyard firsthand, guided tours offer a captivating glimpse into the artistry and innovation that define this maritime powerhouse. Alternatively, virtual tours provide a convenient and immersive way to explore the shipyard from the comfort of home, ensuring that every enthusiast can partake in the PRESTIGE experience.